Hamidreza Shafiei | Vesta Color
Hamidreza Shafiei; New Spring, New Year, New Thought
Iranians celebrate the New Year on Wednesday, as people all throughout the Middle East welcome the arrival of spring and a new chapter in life.
ArtDayMe : Iranians celebrate the New Year on Wednesday, as people all throughout the Middle East welcome the arrival of spring and a new chapter in life.
The manager of Vesta Color, Hamidreza Shafiei, states: "The rebirth of nature coincides with spring, and this is the greatest lesson for modern man—that one can always sprout and be born again."
He believes: "While each season has its own allure, spring is both a beautiful time of year in nature and a great mystery. Although each season has its own emblem, the tree is perhaps the most symbolic of spring because it turns green, blooms, and resurrects. For this reason, spring is a perennial theme for painters and artists of all eras and cultures."
Hamidreza Shafiei notes: "Those who surround themselves with art are more likely to be neighbors of spring, since they constantly taste and murmur about it. With each piece of art that they produce or view, artists and art enthusiasts seem to be reborn, discover, and gain new insight—even if it's winter."
The manager of the Vesta Color says: "Springtime and art go hand in hand. It is stated that you can rebuild and thrive, becoming even more successful than you were previously. The Middle East of today and its lovely people are in more need than ever of this element. I hope that this new spring brings a rainbow of happiness, tranquility, and joy to our region, which has seen more art than ever. This is consistent with Iranian tradition, which begins each year with a wonderful prayer to God, the creator of beauty, to make people feel their best. These hues, together with the variety of colors and flavors, are delightful components of life."