Seyedmohammad Omrany|
Seyedmohammad Omrany: Keep an Eye out for Living Middle Eastern Artists
There are more live artists nowadays whose prices are skyrocketing, including well-known ones like Gerhard Richter, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, etc. Chinese painters have allegedly taken the lead from other artists from this perspective. It only takes a cursory glance at the price lists of European and American galleries to realise that many worldwide artists between the ages of 30 and 40 are selling their creations for crazy amounts of money.
Artdayme: Seyedmohammad Omrany, art economics expert: Too many artists have achieved records of billions and tens of thousands of dollars after passing away to mention them all here, but why not artists granted the respect they merit when they're still alive?
According to recent reports in the media, the late Sadegh Tabrizi's seven works were presented in seven different auctions, ranging from Bonhams London to Tehran Auction, during the first seven months of this year. All his works were sold, setting a record for the artist in his native country of more than it has achieved sales of $500,000. The significance of this also appears on the esteemed and global website Artsy.
It is quite uncommon for a Middle Eastern artist to present seven works at various auctions in a span of seven months and have every single one of them sell. This is what happened to the pioneer artist of the Middle East in just a few months.
Unfortunately, maestro Tabrizi died in 2017, and we have been without him for six years.
Yes, everyone is aware that, typically, an artist's output is halted upon his or her passing, and the so-called common market drives up the price of work of art steadily. In this regard, I indicated on my previous piece titled "Chambers of Commerce & Fresh Air for Middle Eastern Art" that the art economy has concentrated on targeted and wise investment on the middle and young generation, with respect to the shortages of master pieces, for decades. Meanwhile, it is remarkable that the pioneering works of some masters do not command a fair price when they are still alive.
There are more live artists nowadays whose prices are skyrocketing, including well-known ones like Gerhard Richter, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, etc. Chinese painters have allegedly taken the lead from other artists from this perspective. It only takes a cursory glance at the price lists of European and American galleries to realise that many worldwide artists between the ages of 30 and 40 are selling their creations for crazy amounts of money.
It's time for that version to be upgraded and accelerated throughout the Middle East.
Despite the accomplishments, there are still renowned masters who are exceptionally skilled and gladly still living, but weirdly they are not easy to find on the marketplace. Their works of art are not offered for fair prices, and sometimes they are even lower priced than those of their pupils. Galleries, dealers, collectors, and auctions all bear a significant social and cultural duty in this case.