Photos: Analepsis Journey with Sneak Hotep at Dubai Design District
ArtDayME: The Algerian artist, Sneak Hotep is showcasing a series of works at Dubai Calligraphy Biennale, which runs until the end of the month at Dubai Design District. The foundations of Sneak Hotep’s calligraphy lie across the clandestine graffiti culture of Algiers and the customs of ancient Egypt. Hotep has been making a name for himself as a calligrapher and street artist for the past decade, producing works all over the world, including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Madrid, Algiers and Paris. Sneak Hotep says: Participating in the inaugural Dubai Calligraphy Biennale has been an influential experience. The event has pushed him beyond his otherwise insular practice, connecting him with other artists and highlighting the range of possibilities within the art form. Dubai Calligraphy Biennale runs across the city until October 31. Sneak Hotep's show is called "Analepsis" and he wrote about it: "It all starts with a memory and ends with another. The human being is losing the sense and reflex of counting on his own adapted and natural memory in reasoning and remembering since technology and electronics took place of his daily space. Back in the days, we used to read in order to remember, we now read the moment we need the information then oblivion takes place. Analepsis had a 3 layers of reading, symbolically represented by the 3 faces of the totem. The first is about the human memory weakening with technological evolution, the second is about the fact that we no longer have emotional value to our memories, stocking them on ephemeral chips destined to destroy us and our environment. The third is about the non-biodegradability of these chips, as these are one of the most dangerous wastes, releasing toxic chemical vapors to the atmosphere. I'll be posting more details on the global concept, the inspiration and process, stay tuned for the rest of the Analepsis journey. Be blessed!"