Black & White Exhibition of Wissam Shawkat opened at Mestaria Gallery | Photos

ArtDayME: Saturday afternoon Alserkal Avenue was full of artists and people who have liked Wissam Shawkat’s artworks. He has displayed Black & White calligraphy. Black & White is an exhibition of works selected from across Wissam's oeuvre - from Classical pieces and Al Wissam Script to the most contemporary calligraph forms united by an absence of color_ By removing this visual dist action, the fundamental elements of the works are brought to the fore_ form, shape, and composition reveal themselves without diversion_ The binary nature of positive and negative spaces_ through their minimalist simplicity-offer the viewer a more accessible study of proportion depth, weight, and style_ He has used just black and white in these artworks because he wants to transfer content and emotions more. Viewers stand in front of his artworks and pay attention to special meaning . this time is exactly time that Shawkat was waiting for it. "In some ways the artworks featured in this exhibition are his most revealing as an artist_ When he create new work_ he makes it first in black and white_ The absence of colour allows for the emphasis of emotional expression-creating a direct dialogue with the beauty of calligraphic letterforms_ revealing more clearly their complexity and the interplay between them _ If it feels right_ he may later choose to add colour_ This exhibition opened on 11/11 and continues until 12/12 . Interested can visit Black & White Exhibition of Wissam Shawkat at Mestaria Gallery Dubai .


Black & White Exhibition of Wissam Shawkat opened at Mestaria Gallery | Photos

ArtDayME: Saturday afternoon Alserkal Avenue was full of artists and people who have liked Wissam Shawkat’s artworks. He has displayed Black & White calligraphy. Black & White is an exhibition of works selected from across Wissam's oeuvre - from Classical pieces and Al Wissam Script to the most contemporary calligraph forms united by an absence of color_ By removing this visual dist action, the fundamental elements of the works are brought to the fore_ form, shape, and composition reveal themselves without diversion_ The binary nature of positive and negative spaces_ through their minimalist simplicity-offer the viewer a more accessible study of proportion depth, weight, and style_ He has used just black and white in these artworks because he wants to transfer content and emotions more. Viewers stand in front of his artworks and pay attention to special meaning . this time is exactly time that Shawkat was waiting for it. "In some ways the artworks featured in this exhibition are his most revealing as an artist_ When he create new work_ he makes it first in black and white_ The absence of colour allows for the emphasis of emotional expression-creating a direct dialogue with the beauty of calligraphic letterforms_ revealing more clearly their complexity and the interplay between them _ If it feels right_ he may later choose to add colour_ This exhibition opened on 11/11 and continues until 12/12 . Interested can visit Black & White Exhibition of Wissam Shawkat at Mestaria Gallery Dubai .