Lift Gallery in Riyadh Hosts Frans Smit's solo exhibition

ArtDayME: If you live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia or are traveling to this city in June 2024, don't miss out on the opportunity to view portraits by the artist Frans Smit, showcased at prestigious art fairs worldwide and across art-centric social media platforms.

The “Middle. South” exhibition will be open for viewing June 2024 with daily hours from 4pm to 11pm at Lift Gallery.

The exhibition is curated by Victoria Nasser.

All photos courtesy of Lift Gallery


Lift Gallery in Riyadh Hosts Frans Smit's solo exhibition

ArtDayME: If you live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia or are traveling to this city in June 2024, don't miss out on the opportunity to view portraits by the artist Frans Smit, showcased at prestigious art fairs worldwide and across art-centric social media platforms.

The “Middle. South” exhibition will be open for viewing June 2024 with daily hours from 4pm to 11pm at Lift Gallery.

The exhibition is curated by Victoria Nasser.

All photos courtesy of Lift Gallery