Etihad Modern Art Gallery dedicates its summer exhibition to female artists

ArtDayME: Etihad Modern Art Gallery in Abu Dhabi has exhibited the exhibition "Summer and Women" with the works of a large group of female artists from different countries around the world.

In this exhibition, the works of Tamara Alenbary, Sana Nezam, Amira Azmy, Shahad Alazawi, Raheb Abuelnaga, Khulood Al Jabri, Sarah Sky, Walaa Mohamed, Mouna Fersi Seghir, Farida Yahya and other artists are displayed.

This exhibition will host art lovers during the summer season.

Etihad Modern Art Gallery is a vibrant oasis of contemporary art nestled in the heart of Abu Dhabi, UAE. The gallery showcases the rich tapestry of artistic expression, bringing together local and international talent to demonstrate the power of visual storytelling. 

Khalid Seddiq Al Mutawa is the owner of Etihad Modern Art Gallery, and Tamara Alenbary is the director of Etihad Modern Art Gallery.

Photos courtsey of Etihad Modern Art Gallery & Tamara Alenbary


Etihad Modern Art Gallery dedicates its summer exhibition to female artists

ArtDayME: Etihad Modern Art Gallery in Abu Dhabi has exhibited the exhibition "Summer and Women" with the works of a large group of female artists from different countries around the world.

In this exhibition, the works of Tamara Alenbary, Sana Nezam, Amira Azmy, Shahad Alazawi, Raheb Abuelnaga, Khulood Al Jabri, Sarah Sky, Walaa Mohamed, Mouna Fersi Seghir, Farida Yahya and other artists are displayed.

This exhibition will host art lovers during the summer season.

Etihad Modern Art Gallery is a vibrant oasis of contemporary art nestled in the heart of Abu Dhabi, UAE. The gallery showcases the rich tapestry of artistic expression, bringing together local and international talent to demonstrate the power of visual storytelling. 

Khalid Seddiq Al Mutawa is the owner of Etihad Modern Art Gallery, and Tamara Alenbary is the director of Etihad Modern Art Gallery.

Photos courtsey of Etihad Modern Art Gallery & Tamara Alenbary