“In Your Dreams” by 7 Iranian artists at Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery - in pictures

ArtDayME: Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery in Dubai, UAE hosts “In Your Dreams,” a group exhibition featuring the multidisciplinary works of seven Iranian artists.

Born from a premonition, In Your Dreams/في أحلامك/مگه خوابشو ببینی features multidisciplinary artworks that often combine traditional elements of Iranian culture with imagination and provocation offering emancipatory perspectives on identity and gender. 

Artists: Dorsa Asadi, Chupan Atashi, Gisou Golshani, Fatemeh Kazemi, Lilian Nejatpour, Niloofar Taatizadeh, Maryam Tafakory. Curated by Yalda Bidshahri. Exhibition design by Zahra Mansoor.

The exhibition is on view untill 12 October 2024.

Photos credit: Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery


“In Your Dreams” by 7 Iranian artists at Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery - in pictures

ArtDayME: Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery in Dubai, UAE hosts “In Your Dreams,” a group exhibition featuring the multidisciplinary works of seven Iranian artists.

Born from a premonition, In Your Dreams/في أحلامك/مگه خوابشو ببینی features multidisciplinary artworks that often combine traditional elements of Iranian culture with imagination and provocation offering emancipatory perspectives on identity and gender. 

Artists: Dorsa Asadi, Chupan Atashi, Gisou Golshani, Fatemeh Kazemi, Lilian Nejatpour, Niloofar Taatizadeh, Maryam Tafakory. Curated by Yalda Bidshahri. Exhibition design by Zahra Mansoor.

The exhibition is on view untill 12 October 2024.

Photos credit: Bayt Al Mamzar Gallery