"Only Life, Myriad Places" by Sudarshan Shetty at Ishara Art Foundation
News Id: 136

"Only Life, Myriad Places" by Sudarshan Shetty at Ishara Art Foundation

The exhibition unveils Shetty's latest film, "One Life Many," and concurrently introduces the very first comprehensive overview of Shetty's captivating moving image creations, offering a glimpse into his videos, multimedia installations, and sculptures.

Artdayme: "Only Life, Myriad Places" by Sudarshan Shetty at Ishara Art Foundation presenting eight pivotal pieces from his extensive body of work, providing a window into his affinity for the melodic and literary heritage of South Asia.

The exhibition unveils Shetty's latest film, "One Life Many," and concurrently introduces the very first comprehensive overview of Shetty's captivating moving image creations, offering a glimpse into his videos, multimedia installations, and sculptures.

Sudarshan Shetty's artistic journey is an exploration of the intersection between internal and external realities within our everyday existence. Within his art, the lines blur between dreams and wakefulness, memories and fantasies, tangible objects and ethereal spectres.

Shetty's work extends beyond the conventional realm, eschewing the museological inclination to solidify, encapsulate, and conserve artefacts for the future. Instead, his art examines the domains of the sacred, the mystical, and the mundane, in a constant flux of transformation.


On view until December 2023 at Ishara Art Foundation, Dubai.



The exhibition unveils Shetty's latest film, "One Life Many," and concurrently introduces the very first comprehensive overview of Shetty's captivating moving image creations, offering a glimpse into his videos, multimedia installations, and sculptures.