A closer look at the new solo show by Sola Olulode at Lawrie Shabibi
News Id: 968

A closer look at the new solo show by Sola Olulode at Lawrie Shabibi

‘I’ve Got to Know You Now We May Never Meet Again’ consists of works in a dialogue between myth, memory, and the sea.

ArtDayME: Lawrie Shabibi hosts ‘I’ve Got to Know You Now We May Never Meet Again’ by Sola Olulode.

‘I’ve Got to Know You Now We May Never Meet Again’ consists of works in a dialogue between myth, memory, and the sea. The broad spectrum of colour in Olulode’s paintings presents the rich and bold hues of the ocean blended with the vibrant oranges, pinks and purples of the evening sky.

Through her lived experiences of the sea and her interest in Yemaya, the maternal goddess of the sea, along with the myth of sirens, Olulode draws a symbolic connection to themes of renewal, femininity, and ancestral ties to water, suggesting the ocean’s role as both a literal and metaphorical source of life.

On view until 9 April, Dubai, Lawrie Shabibi.