Mahmoud Saïd

Mahmoud Saïd

Summary :

The son of Egypt’s Prime Minister, Mahmoud Saïd worked as a lawyer, prosecutor and judge. Although his successful legal career met with society’s approval, it denied a much stronger desire to make art. In 1947, at the age of 50, Saïd resigned from his legal career to become an artist full time.

Saïd’s oil paintings employ Western techniques to capture his native Egypt, depicting landscapes and scenes of contemporary life that reference the country’s long history. His subjects include veiled women filling water jars at the edge of ancient temples, men in turbans drawing water from wells, dances and scenes of Islamic ritual


Saïd’s oil paintings employ Western techniques to capture his native Egypt, depicting landscapes and scenes of contemporary life that reference the country’s long history. His subjects include veiled women filling water jars at the edge of ancient temples, men in turbans drawing water from wells, dances and scenes of Islamic ritual