Non-Figurative Paintings of Gavin Jantjes in Gallery 4 of Sharjah Art Foundation
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Non-Figurative Paintings of Gavin Jantjes in Gallery 4 of Sharjah Art Foundation

Don’t miss fourth gallery of Sharjah Art Foundation. “Gavin Jantjes” non-figurative paintings are in gallery 4 at Sharjah Art Foundation.

ArtDayMe:Azadeh jafarian: Artworks created from 2017 till present. This paintings evoke free feeling. Viewers can sit in front of artworks hours and hours and dance with the lines of Jantjes in thier mind. 

Colors chose very carefully. You can find new samples of colors in the nature and you would like to let yourself in canvas and sleep on real colors. 
Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation

Jantjes invites viewers to meditation with lines,colors,large canvas and intact real art. 

Jantjes' color palette, dynamic compositions and intricate layering immerse the viewer. Through interplays of marks, shapes and tonalities, his paintings stir the senses and ignite introspection.

Jantjes sought to create 'a shared meditation' with the viewer. As such, titles-which initially played a significant role in offering an interpretation of his work-began to disappear, allowing audiences to encounter the work with an open mind. Scale became important to Jantjes' presentation of ideas and aesthetics. The larger paintings engage viewers in the act of looking. This new perspective has radically informed Jantjes current relationship with painting.

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation

The Exogenic Series 2017 

His first non-figurative works, titled The Exogenic Series (Aqua)' (2017). Untitled No. 1, No. 2 and No. 9 From 'The Exogenic Series , Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 145 cm created (2017) , push the boundaries of Gavin Jantjes' painting beyond conventional forms of representation. The works explore non-figurative abstraction, a bold move for an artist who had previously focused on political themes and figurative work.

The Exogenic Series (Aqua)' explores Earth's most abundant element: water. Rather than conventional seascapes, Jantjes employs lines, dots and smudges to evoke the fecundity of nature. Images morph and dissolve, presenting a sense of fluidity and vitality. Displayed as a sequence, the large untitled canvases create a harmony akin to a musical score and invite a renewed contemplation of the visual.

The choice of transparent hues over saturated colours underscores Jantjes' commitment to this new direction. Without narrative or analogy, these paintings exist in the space between emotion and logic, inviting viewers to engage instinctually.

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation
'The Sharjah Series' 2022

Gavin Jantjes created 'The Sharjah Series'

(2022) . These are Untitled No. 1 and 

Untitled No.2 From The Sharjah Series: 2022 ,Acrylic on canvas,140 x 400 cm and 200 x 600 cm . Among her largest paintings, was commissioned during her residency at Sharjah Art Foundation in 2022. among his largest paintings, was commissioned during his residency at Sharjah Art Foundation in 2022.

Utilising thin overlays of paint, Jantjes combines marks, lines and colours, conjuring an ethereal realm where foreground, middle ground and background seamlessly intertwine.

With no discernible horizon, the work offers little indication of orientation, compelling viewers to confront a plethora of questions about emotions and pictorial space.

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation

Gavin Jantjes / Sharjah Art Foundation
'The Witney Series' 2019

At last you can visit Untitled A, D, KK, PP, QQ, RR, TT & UU2021From 'The Witney Series', 2019-ongoing,Acrylic on canvas,42 x 30 cm each in gallery 4 . 'The Witney Series' (2019-ongoing), smaller in scale than Gavin Jantjes' earlier work, represents his continuing exploration of non-figurative painting, which enables the artist to probe the realms of pictorial space, temporality and emotional expression.